Contact information

  • Address: Nikolaou Plastira,122
  • Postal code (ZIP): 171 22
  • City/Location: Athens
  • Phone: +306980858085


With public transportation there are 3 ways to come to the apartment from the airport

1st option
From the airport you can take the blue line of Metro, until you arrive at "Syntagma". At “Syntagma” you change line and you take the red line of Metro to "Elliniko". After 2 stops is "Sygrou/Fix" station.
At “Sygrou/Fix” stations you get out of Metro, and follow the exit "Sygrou/Drakou". At the road there is the bus station and you take one of the following buses: 550, A2, B2, 10.
At Chrysaki station you get off the bus (you can see the stations from monitors in the bus). You pass the avenue from the underpass and walk to a big store with the red label "ΚΩΤΣΟΒΟΛΟΣ". You pass it and at the red bus (first corner) you turn left and at the first road left. The apartment is at 122 Plastira Str. (Transfer cost per person 10€)

2nd option
From the airport you can take the Χ95 bus until you arrive at Syntagma. (Transfer cost per Person 6€)
The rest is the same with 1st choice.

3rd option
We can arrange your transfer from airport to the property with English speaking driver with additional cost.
If you are interesting in this option, please inform us on time with your flight number, so we can be at the airport on time.

In any cash you can find the location of the apartment here

The route from the airport to the apartment is about 1,5 hours.
The route from Sygrou/Fix bus station to the apartment is about 10 minutes.